Admission Form

I promise to abide by the Rules, Regulation and Orders of the University and College-Authorities.I also declare that the statements I have made in the application are correct.
  1. Admission is granted subject to production of all certificates required as per rules and final approval of the Bangalore Central University.
  2. The Admission made by the Degree College is provisional. The University reservers the right to cancel the Admission of a student at any stage if and when it is detected that the admission is against rules.
    1. Admission fee may be remitted to the principal of the college and the receipt should be attached to the application.
    2. No other mode of payment of admission fee except cash will be accepted.
  3. Original copies of Transfer Certificate and Marks Cards must be produced without fail at the time of admissoin.
  4. 4 passport size & 3 stamp size photographs takes in a white plain shirt should be enclosed (Colour Photograph).
  5. Students form outside Universites or Boards should submit Migration Certificate.
  6. Admission is granted subject to submission of all Certificate required as per rules.
  7. Original Income Certificate or Declaration form received from competent authority to be produced at the time of admission.
  8. Fees Paid on admission will not be refundable under any circumstances.
  9. Cost of Apllication Form- Rs 150 is payable at the time of admission
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